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My Paintings

The Joker by Tim Miklos Golem by Tim Miklos Custom Airbrushed Guitar, by Tim Miklos of iPaint Airbrush Studio on Behance Ol' Dirty Bastard on magazine cover hand painted onto a t-shirt Frankenstein B&W Airbrushed on a T-Shi iPaint Airbrush Studio iPaint Airbrush Studio-Home-Pittsburgh,PA Bob Marley : One Life Unfinished on Behance by Tim Miklos of iPaint Airbrush Studio  2013 Acrylic on drywall Custom airbrushed Leather Jacket by Tim Miklos of iPaint Airbrush Studio
25 Airpins in this Collection

Originally Uploaded by

Elizabeth Taylor on Canvas Jim morrison on a t-shirt Ol' Dirty Bastard on magazine cover hand painted onto a t-shirt Hannibal Lecter B&W Airbrushed on a T-shirt Eddie Guerrero on black tee Frankenstein B&W Airbrushed on a T-Shi Golem by Tim Miklos Kurt Cobain by Tim Miklos iPaint Airbrush Studio-Home-Pittsburgh,PA


AirPinned September 21, 2013 from

iPaint Airbrush Studio-Home-Pittsburgh,PA
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