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Airbrush Artwork and Murals

Restaurant mural Another view... Mural in kitchen. Basquiat-style..- On canvas, to be placed on a hotelroom-wall. Triptychon for the "Bundeswehr"...airbrush on canvas airbrush on wood-panels for an insurance company... Wandgemälde Airbrush Made to order for a pet-clinic... Airbrush on concrete.
45 Airpins in this Collection

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airbrush on garage-walls. 388941_10150404118126188_20431706187_8617870_2034331463_n.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 960 × 640 Pixel) Chuck Close | Photorealism Airbrush-Portrait. Almost done... Arbeitsbeispiel-Wandbild Airbrush You gotta do a Hulk once in your life... Hotel-room mural. Airbrush on concrete.

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AirPinned August 26, 2013 from

Arbeitsbeispiel-Wandgemälde ZWF Saarbrücken
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