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House of Kolor, 1996 Bronco. "The Darkness"  House of Kolor, Mustang hood. House of Kolor- underbelly of a 2012 Mustang GT.  The "entire" engine was reproduced in reverse for a mirror image effect. Engine compartment, 2014 Mustang GT. House of Kolor. "Washington Crossing the Delaware"  detail of the underbelly of a mural on a 2014 Mustang GT.  House of Kolor. House of Kolor, 2015 Jeep Wrangler hood.  Alice in Wonderland theme. House of Kolor, 2015 Jeep Wrangler hood.  Alice in Wonderland theme. Rat Rod Doors. House of Kolor.
8 Airpins in this Collection

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Engine compartment, 2014 Mustang GT. House of Kolor. House of Kolor, 2015 Jeep Wrangler hood.  Alice in Wonderland theme. House of Kolor, 1996 Bronco. "The Darkness"  House of Kolor, Mustang hood. New twist/ old school.  House of Kolor. "Washington Crossing the Delaware"  detail of the underbelly of a mural on a 2014 Mustang GT.  House of Kolor. House of Kolor on HD Softail Deluxe Freehanded skull/ war scene-House of Kolor, custom kandy over miroflake in an old school scallop design Custom Chopper Tank, House of Kolor.


Uploaded November 3, 2014

"The Darkness" House of Kolor, Mustang hood.
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AirbrushCollector November 3, 2014
Great comicbook,great airbrush artwork!

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