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'PlyGirl' sexy girl on plywood 'Alice Cooper' - Subject of Wayne Harrison's course in Baldivis WA 2016. Sad Girl (40x60cm) 'Heather Graham' 
Portrait on red. 2014
I'm done, thanks for advice :) 'Lazy Frog' 
My first automotive airbrush on a tank flap, using a little Chameleon Bronze. 2013 'The Bird' 
(Super-)model Cara held a phone in her hand for a selfie - now it is the bird instead. "Angel" sexy guardian 'Buffalo Skull' refurbished, but finished?
15 Airpins in this Collection

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'Lazy Frog' 
My first automotive airbrush on a tank flap, using a little Chameleon Bronze. 2013 Wicked Colours on Skateboard, candy orange and clear coat. I'm done, thanks for advice :) "Dee Jay" - Portrait of my brothers little dog. 45x50cm 'Grief' - Angel with skulls on my Ford. Buffalo Skull 'JayLo' Jennifer Lopez like 6 years ago or so, just finished this piece by coincidence. "Angel" sexy guardian 'Alice Cooper' - Subject of Wayne Harrison's course in Baldivis WA 2016.


Uploaded January 4, 2016

Wicked Colours on Skateboard, candy orange and clear coat.
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