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Airbrush Artwoks

Neil diamond - airbrush on vinyl record airbrush on alluminium panel, cm.35x60 aerografia su carta flower on alluminium panel, cm.40x60 airbrush t-shirt, katy perry airbrush on alluminium panel,4 of 6, cm. 35x60 acrilic portrait on paper ritratto stile "classico", cm.40x60 su cartoncino pesante volto di bimba, airbrush on canvas
170 Airpins in this Collection

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airbrush, cardboard 40x60 cm. ritratto fotorealistico ad aerografo aerografia in monocromia gotico romantico, 40x60 cm. paasche vjr su schoeller ragazza giapponese, lavoretto semplice, senza pretese, giusto per divertirsi...sennò vi abituate troppo bene!!!40x60 su cartoncino gradite un caffè?...airbrush on paper summer airbrush portrait oriental child, airbrush on paper aerografia su cartoncino,cm.40x60, e'tac color fx


Uploaded January 9, 2016

ritratto modella, 40x60 cm. colori acrilici su cartoncino
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Staff January 11, 2016
Bravo Enrico!


ArteKaos January 11, 2016
Grande Enrico come sempre!


Limey February 6, 2016
Enchanting lady for sure..... I like the details in the bra which is a great contrast to her smooth skin. An airbrush is really the best and only way way to render smooth skin like this I think.

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