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Denis Petterson Charles Bell, Gum Ball John Baeder Fine Art Photorealism, John Salt Hyperreal Paintings by Denis Peterson Don Eddy "Paragon" Charles Bell - Louis K. Meisel Gallery midnightmickey.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 870 × 622 Pixel) MODERNISM : ARTISTS : Gottfried HELNWEIN : The Murmur of the Innocents (6)
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chuck-close-exhibit "Paragon" Charles Bell - Louis K. Meisel Gallery airbrush on garage-walls. airbrush on wood-panels for an insurance company... A bit standard, but it was a customer-request! Airbrush Mural in hotel Clive Head Accrochage - Exhibiting at Marlborough Fine Art London, UK Another restaurant mural. Hotel-mural


AirPinned February 25, 2014 from

Clive Head Accrochage - Exhibiting at Marlborough Fine Art London, UK
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