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  1. TammyR TammyR:
       "You mean people actually pay you for this shit? Bah!"
  2. TammyR TammyR:
       "Damn! That's fucking jacked! lol"
  3. TammyR TammyR:
       "btw, the American Flag has Red "
  4. TammyR TammyR:
       "are those supposed to be clouds? lol"
  5. TammyR TammyR:
       "elementary effort at best"
  6. TammyR TammyR:
       "TRY PRACTICING YOUR ENGRISHY...maybe then somebody understand you"
  7. TammyR TammyR:
       "you do love the asian women ale"
  8. TammyR TammyR:
       ""two bitches together is never a bad thing", right Alessandro?"
  9. TammyR TammyR:
       "Careful Alessandro. Your 'yellow fever' is showing."
  10. TammyR TammyR:
       "FYI....Native American women do NOT wear War Bonnets!!! EDUCATE yourselves."